Seeing Swirls Of Color In Vision With Eye Migraines
A condition called ocular migraine can cause you to see shimmering lights in the vision for around half an hour
with a spot of blindness that enlarges and then goes away. They can be regularly affiliated with uneven or zig zag
lines with an overall look of waves of heat gleaming in the vision. If you also get a headache with this condition
then its known as a migraine headache. Other people do not get any headache subsequently and that is called an
ocular migraine.
Bright Lights In Vision With Floaters Can Happen With Other
Using any kind of laser to perform surgical procedures in the eye can cause the eye to be inflammed in the
vitreous humor and therefore result in more dark floaters and black strings drifting in front of your eyes. So can
bleeding or infection of the eyeball. Seeing a swarm of floaters that look like gnats or flies moving near your
eyes is more common for people who are nearsighted.