What Causes Cloudy Eyesight And Floaters?
Moving within the eyeball itself are tiny particles, strands, and debris of material in your vitreous that can
make it look like there are bugs crawling in your eyes or flies flying inside them. Most everyone will ultimately
develop dark circles that float in their eyes with random motion, this is due to the liquified vitreous that
shrinks inside your eyes as you get older.
These little particles will often drift around within your eye and can look like streaks or
lines in your vision, or grey or black dots that move around in your eyes.
If you gaze out of an airplane window and/or look at the clouds you can easily distinguish black or dark eye
floaters. Shadows are then created on your retina from the globs of material floating around within the vitreous
Appearing like thread-like dark strands that swirl through your vision, dark eye floaters don't ever seem to
stay put.