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Eye Floaters And Eye Flashes With Blurred Vision Could Be Dangerous

Always seek medical attention immediately if you suddenly see a large increase in the black floaters in your eyes. Black eye floaters with stringy lines can happen only in the morning for some people or more a night, this in and of itself doesn't have any particular significance.

Bright flashes of light in your side vision along with strings or dark lines floating in your vision puts your odds of getting a torn retina at one in seven. A retinologist or retinal surgeon is the best qualified doctor to treat any potential retinal complications you may encounter with your eye floaters.

Dark floaters in your eye that are getting smaller and then bigger again are most likely harmless, but you should still have your eyes checked.

Translucent blobs of material shifting inside your eyes are better known as floaters, which more than half of all individuals will see by age 80. Normally benign, these "eye floaties" may be a serious retinal problem for fifteen percent of individuals if they are combined with zig zag flashes of light for the reason that that can be a indicator of retinal tearing or detaching.
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Laser Eye Surgery

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