Eye Migraine Headaches And High Blood Pressure
If you should develop bright lights that flicker, swirls of colors, and a spot that moves all over your
vision you could be experiencing a headache of the retina. This is often a result of a spasming blood vessel
in your brain. Referred to as an ocular eye migraine, you possibly will not even get a headache and they
usually disappear within thirty minutes. It is not thought that having high blood pressure makes you more
likely to develop eye or ocular migraine headache.
Medical conditions such as diabetes or various eye infections are also potential causes of seeing black eye
floaters. In addition, wearing a prescription with a high "minus" number means you are nearsighted and more
vulnerable to getting black webs or floaters drifting in front of you. There is a bigger potential for getting a
single small floater just like a bug gliding through your eye or perhaps a extensive group of floaters like a
spider web inside your eyes.