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Jelly In The Eye - Can Eye Jelly Move In Your Vision Like Floaters?

Can the jelly in the eye move like floaters in the vision? I've been told that jelly eyes can cause you to see spots moving in front of your eyes, is this true?

   jelly in eye floaters

The vast number of eye floaters are harmless and in the benign category and are not a cause for worry. Almost all of patients have this form of "jelly" floater and they describe them as black strings in their vision, or little dots and squiggly lines that move and change position and as you move your head they seem to move with you.

What Causes The Clear Jelly In Your Eye To Break Apart And Cause Floaters?

Dark strands of spider web like lines float within the eye as the gel like vitreous material breaks apart into
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Laser Eye Surgery

 laser vision surgery