Can Stressful Eye Floaters Change From Being Not An Issue Into A Danger For Your Eyes?
Should you ever see a growing mass of floaters after flashes and zigzags of light you have to contact your
doctor quickly and ask to be seen by an eye specialist. O shaped rings or globs floating around and shifting by
your vision could also be accompanied by light flashes away and off to the side or peripheral vision, there is a
small chance for a tear developing in the retina if this takes place.
Whenever an individual all of a sudden notices streaks of light along with dark strings, shadows, or clumps in
the vision, there is about a fourteen percent chance of getting a torn retina according to the American Medical
Association. A retinologist or retinal surgeon is capable of reparing tears or detachments, the ideal results are
achieved if this is done quickly after the retinal problem has been clinically